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Try Our Teachers!

Baer Miriam's staff is legendary for their warmth and breath of knowledge. Many of them have written books, or have extensive recordings online. Want to get to know a few of our teachers? Scroll down to check out what they to offer, and enjoy!

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Rabbi Gav Friedman

"Rav Gav" is a world-renowned speaker who teaches at many seminaries and Yeshivot, including Aish HaTorah. In his own words:


"For almost 2 decades now, I've had the privilege of studying and teaching about Judaism, relationships, and simply life. I'm originally from New York, should be obvious for anyone who has heard me speak. Some say I'm funny, some say deep, but none say boring. Come inside and enjoy the ride."


Check out Rav Gav's website, which has video and recorded shiurim for you to enjoy.

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Rabbi Zvi Herman

The author of the bestselling "Disney Book," Rabbi Herman received his Semicha from YU's RIETS in 2007. He gives a daily Daf Yomi shiur, is the author of the popular Divrei Torah for the Growth-Oriented Jewish Teen series, and hosts a podcast with the same name.


Rabbi Yossi Fuchs

Rabbi Fuchs is an incredibly popular rebbe at Yeshivat Torat Shraga. He is the author of two books for teens, Straight Talk and The Next Step.


Rabbi Mordechai Burg

Rav Mordechai Burg is the Menahel of Mevaseret, Mashpia of NCSY Summer, Mashpia of Nitzotzos, author of Nitzotzos on Chumash and a popular speaker all over the world. His shiurim can be found on, and his Sefarim can be purchased on Amazon and Sefarim stores all over..


Mrs. Ayelet Elnecave

Mrs. Ayelet Elnecave received a B.A. in Jewish Studies from Vanderbilt University in 2005. Her online parsha class is one of the most popular on  social media  today and reaches thousands every week online. A staple at Neve Yerushalayim, her enthusiasm for Torah is contagious, and she is beloved among students for for being able to “speak their language”. 

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Rabbi Menachem Nissel

Rabbi Nissel is a world-renowned speaker, famous for his work at NCSY and the seminary circuit. He is the host of a popular YouTube Channel, as well as the author of Rishei Lev, a wonderful Sefer about a woman's connection to Tefillah.


Mrs. Raquel Kirszenbaum

Mrs. Kirszenbaum is a world-renowned speaker, having taught Torah to Jews from Panama to South Africa, Argentina to the US. She is a popular speaker on Hidabroot, where she has a series on principles of faith.

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Rabbi Dov Ber Cohen

Rabbi Dov Ber Cohen is a senior Lecturer at Aish HaTorah World Center in Jerusalem and Founder/Director of Living in Tune: Authentic Jewish Mindfulness ( which runs on-line Jewish Mindfulness Courses and In-person retreats. He is the author of Mastering Life: A Unique Guidebook to Jewish Enlightenment and The Essential Teachings that lays out the foundational wisdom for creating a great life. He lives in Jerusalem with his holy and talented wife and cool, ninja-children.

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